Sunday, July 03, 2011

What's Going On Here on "Build Peace" this Month.

I haven't officially said anything about National Blog Posting Month, or NaBloPoMo as it is affectionately known by all the cool inside blogger type folks, which actually happens every month because the original blogging event was such a hit.  The idea is to blog every day for a month, let others know you are doing it, as an exercise for increasing your blogging output and visibility.  Of course there is a marketing element to it.  It can get you "followers," but since I've never been a warm and fuzzy political writer, not that many people follow me here --although I do have a RSS feed subscribers.  

Oh, and for people who might have a difficult time coming up with something to write about every single day, weekends included, there is a monthly theme.  This month it is swim as you might have been able to tell by the accompanying graphic.   Maybe I will write about things that are going swimmingly. 

This is the first time I have done the daily writing thing with this blog.  Last month I tried it with another blog of mine, and failed to write every day, but it was still a good experience.  I view it as sort of a training exercise.  What I think I will end up doing is rotating through all my blogs with each one being a daily blog, or attempted daily blog, at some point. 

I'm trying to get this blog, Build Peace, back up and running in a significant way as there is so much at stake today with purportedly "conservative" types attempting to undermine the democratic aspects of our Republic.  I still feel the need to speak out.  But I would also like to inject a little bit more humor into my writing, as that is the type of writing I love to do: a sort of atrsy fartsy, tongue in cheek, intelligencia, punk sort of writing.   I did this sort of writing and had a blast doing it when I was writing for my own site, which I have recently started to resurrect, called Late Boomers which was at but now, for the moment anyway, resided at  I think I will feature that blog next month to get it re-booted.  It focuses on the later half of the post WWII baby boom (as we were originally called). 

Anyway, things are afoot here again.  Tell your friends, subscribe, comment.  I really like feed back from all types of folks,  not just from the rabid extremists. 

Okay, I'm off to a 4th of July BBQ.  Hasta...

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