Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Women Political Commentators Score! But...

Rachel Maddow gets her own show on MSNBC! I'm reporting solely from what I read in a Commondreams repost of a Washington Post article as I just got home from work and opened my laptop and whooped with joy at seeing a female Rhodes scholar rewarded for her wit and wisdom in political reporting. About damn time!

I could not care less about what Maddow's sex life does or does not include. Not my business. I don't know what Keith Oberman is into sexually nor would I care to know -- yet I am given information by national print media that is of absolutely no business of mine about Rachel Maddow 's sexual orientation. Two steps forward, one step back.

I was delighted when I started seeing the Air America radio host turn up on Keith Oberman's show. Maddow is well spoken, intelligent, witty, well-informed, young and female.

We're getting there. No where close to 51-52% of the hosts and commentators in political media though.....

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