29 JANUARY 2007
Marched from the Pink House to Cannon.
Actually I was supposed to go with the Pinkers to Rayburn & the Shoe distribution.
My shoe has Ashref Katjhem Gasem name attached. She was 5.
Got to 502 Cannon after navigating the corridors, construction and ---- and ------ were already there. I wrote out a hasty note as Maura hired a new staff member – a young gentleman hired just minutes before. There was pleasant chitchat until Daniel Graver arrived and I realized he was the gentleman I’ve given the pink balls of courage to to give to Gabby at a bar in Tucson where there was a heckle the tv state of the union watching party last year.
We shook hands and agreed we’d met before….and I sensed a bit of not altogether comfortable anticipation . We went with Daniel to Gabby’s office to chat. -------opened on a political campaign note.
He began writing a few of the UFPJ points down that we’d put our own spin on.
Troops home now. Iraqi people against us. Cut funding.
Also she ran as a progressive , why hasn’t she joined the progressive caucus?
What is she doing in the next two weeks to stop the illegal nuclear weapon use of the US on Iraq in three weeks? We have to observe the nuclear nonproliferation treaty.
Jill & John from KBRP Bisbee came in part way into our mtg and began taping.
And Maura switched with Dan to field questions.
At noon we joined a white rose action at the inner court yard fountain . I laid a card down and a few roses as the names of Iraqi dead were read. The frozen water and flowers were as stark a testimony to the dead as any I’ve seen or in which I’ve participated. Didn’t want to be arrested so I left for the Dirkson Bldg. Which is where I met up with Sam and Maureen (newbie) and walked to the Hart Bldg.
The atrium of the Hart Bldg is perfect for banner drops. From various tales told after the event., I’ve reconstructed compatriots stories of being followed to floor 5 then going to 3 via the elevator and walking back up to 4. I was doing similar diversion between floors.
The exhilaration wasn’t as strong as the first actions I did, but it still feels good –to speak our minds in the halls of our Senate offiice bldgs. And the joy of the UFPJ lobby folks who stumbled across the pink action was palpable. They thanked us, joined in the chants – as did a few staffers.
Eventually we made our way out after a few chants of , “THIS is what democracy looks like. “
We managed to get most of the banners back.
My only regret is that I didn’t get a clear shot of the big banner that LA Sam and Jodie ( I think) dropped – the big 40 ft. long one that said, No More Money for War.
Then it was off to the Dirkson Bldg. For a late lunch.
My heart is with you but i must beg to differ. The protest is fine but the real serious work, the hard and continuous work is done by our legislators, day after day after day! Our job is to tell them how to represent us, what importance we place on each issue. Your demonstration may make news, may make you and others feel good, but the day-to-day WORK - that is in the House and Senate.
True, but we have to let the Senators know that the people will not stand for additional polical maneuvering when the very life of those of us on earth is at stake. The Senate and House must join together immediately to stop the insanity before a chain reaction of horrific life on this planet destroying war expansion starts. We have our troops home now. The Senators and Representatives are our servants.
Now is not the time for polite letters. We have to act!
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